Colorless as a Shadow

The heir is chased out, to live in the winter cold
                                While the slave takes over, evil is good and good is evil
                                Darkness in place of light, light is concreted under the earth
                                Be very much aware, your substitute will execute you
                                Your determination, brings your elimination
Someday you’ll face the music
Even when the beat is so rough
When the lyrics are so wrong
Someday when the choices are so few
Only to dance the bad melody
When you’ll be so colorless as a shadow
                                So what’s the point in working, only for wages of smokes
                                all for a miserable life spent in the dark working to feed the appetite
                                but the soul always go hungry, ….. oh!!! What an obscurity life
                                just get scrub and clean from illusion and sentiments
                                A feelings that cloys  …. The mind with heavy fallacy
                                The starting place for hell, the believe you clog your mind with
                                Made you the person you become
                                                                                                                          ↭⇲  Damael Genesys


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