
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Darkness is past

Each one of us always has questions, those things that always burn through our minds…. And we keep saying to ourselves; “if my misery could be weighed, if you could pile the whole bitter loads in the scale, it would be heavier than all the sands of the sea….. Is it any wonder that I’m screaming like a caged cat ….. Life has clumps the whole works on me ….. Did you see what nature has dished out for me? More than enough to turn on the pages, everything in me is repulsed by it and they make me sick… Where is the strength to keep my hope up? What do I have to keep me going? Do you ever think am made of iron? Or do you ever think I can pull myself up by my bootstraps? Why, I don’t even have any boot…. So fickle as a gulch in the desert, one day they’re gushing with water from melting ice and snow, cascading out of the mountain but by midsummer, they’re dry gullies baked dry in the sun”.   But the truth is, no one can actually live without the dark side of Life but we can live above

Colorless as a Shadow

The heir is chased out, to live in the winter cold                                 While the slave takes over, evil is good and good is evil                                 Darkness in place of light, light is concreted under the earth                                 Be very much aware, your substitute will execute you                                 Your determination, brings your elimination Someday you’ll face the music Even when the beat is so rough When the lyrics are so wrong Someday when the choices are so few Only to dance the bad melody When you’ll be so colorless as a shadow                                 So what’s the point in working, only for wages of smokes                                 all for a miserable life spent in the dark working to feed the appetite                                 but the soul always go hungry, ….. oh!!! What an obscurity life                                  just get scrub and clean from illusion and sentiments
Yet He is not far from each one of us,  For in Him we live and move and have our being; For we are indeed His offspring. Acts: 17v27-28
.........MAKING A DIFFERENCE What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.  It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.— Nelson Mandela